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Rising Green Youth Hub

Rising Green Youth Hub logoHub address:

  • Unit 2, Lymington Avenue, Wood Green, N22 6JA 

Aimed at young people between the ages of 11 and 19 and those up to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Rising Green Youth Hub will offer them somewhere to relax and socialise, enjoy themselves in and learn.

With funding support from the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund (external link), Rising Green Youth Hub will provide a broad range of activities such as:

  • Employment and life skills workshops
  • Informal education, arts and sports
  • Music: production/design/business development
  • Podcasting/Film production
  • Training kitchen/Café area
  • Web design/digital design

Opening times

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 3.30pm to 8pm - Open access for positive activities

Tuesday and Thursday: 9am to 5pm - Employment, training and education support/opportunities

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Wood Green Young Voices

Working in partnership alongside architects Freehaus, JA Projects and representatives from Haringey Council, a group collectively known as ‘Wood Green Young Voices’ have co-designed and co-produced many aspects and elements of this project.

Young people were nominated by local schools, community organisations and youth sector organisations to be part of the group. 

The building designs, colours, logo and name for the youth hub have all been influenced by Wood Green Young Voices and their lived experiences of Wood Green.

Jasmin, 14, from Wood Green said:

I’ve loved being part of the Wood Green Young Voices. It’s provided me with so many amazing insights into people’s views on Wood Green as well as London as a whole, and the diversity of the group ensure that all views are represented.

The group has meant a lot to me. It’s been amazing to see the youth hub grow from a mere concept into something really quite amazing and I will 10,000% be visiting :)

Young Yasin voices his staunch support for the Rising Green Youth Hub

Yasin is one of the Wood Green Young Voices who have played a pivotal part in the co-design and co-production of Rising Green.

Here, he gives us his thoughts on – and hopes for – the inclusive and safe youth hub ahead of its opening on Monday 25 July 2022.

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Naming the youth hub

Through a series of design workshops, Wood Green Young Voices shared their thoughts and creativity to produce five brilliant options for the name of the new youth hub. 

After a period of consultation, the name chosen was ‘Rising Green’. The name ‘Rising Green’ is inspired by the idea of growing up and being raised in Wood Green - ‘Made in Wood Green.’

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Community engagement events

Drop-in for Wood Green residents and businesses

Staff team members involved in the development and launch of Rising Green Youth Hub spent the afternoon/evening in Wood Green facilitating a drop in for local young people, residents and businesses to find out more info about this exciting project.

It was great to meet all the community members who visited to discuss the opening of the youth hub and opportunities for young people over the summer holiday.

The photo from the drop-in event shows Alison Hackshaw, Team Manager, Haringey Youth Service and Maureen Juliana-Harvey, Wood Green Community Engagement Officer.

Residents’ meeting - Tuesday 28 June 

A meeting was held on Tuesday 28 June 2022 at Wood Green Central Library with residents and council officers to discuss updates in relation to the developments with Rising Green Youth Hub in preparation for its opening for young people this summer. 

The meeting was attended by residents and the council’s youth service, regeneration and community safety teams which resulted in productive discussions about how we need to work together as we move into the next phase of opening and operating services for young people from the youth hub.

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Rising Green Youth Hub Blog

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Image with drawings to imply co-design

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