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Housing and Finance

Under 16 and homeless?

If you are not getting on with your parent(s) or carer, you may feel you are forced to leave home.

If you are under 16 and are forced to leave home, you can contact our Housing Advice Team.

Over 16 and homeless?

We have a duty to give you a home if you become homeless. You are homeless if:

  • no-one is looking after you
  • you are lost or abandoned
  • the person who has been caring for you is unable to look after you
  • you are aged 16 or 17 and we think your welfare could be seriously threatened if we do not give you a home

Other Useful links:

For more information visit one of our Customer Service Centres:

Or call Housing Services on: 020 8489 1000 - press 6 then 2.

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